

What Services I Can Provide as the Best SEO Specialist - Philippines


As an SEO specialist from Lapu-lapu City, Philippines, I possess the expertise to drive increased traffic to your website. With my knowledge of search engine optimization techniques, I can optimize your website to improve its visibility and attract more visitors. Additionally, I have a knack for graphic design and possess skills in tools like Canva and Photoshop. I can create visually appealing designs that align with your brand’s identity. So, trust the best – choose me as your SEO Specialist, and together, we’ll unlock the full potential of your website with these services listed below:

My Page Yoast SEO Analysis - With Good Result


Data Benchmarking Work - SEO Philippines
Sample of my Data Benchmarking - SEO

What is Data Benchmarking in SEO?

Data benchmarking in SEO is a crucial practice that allows you to evaluate the performance of your website’s SEO efforts by comparing key metrics with industry benchmarks or competitors. It helps identify areas for improvement, set realistic goals, and stay informed about industry trends. By leveraging data benchmarking insights, you can optimize your SEO strategy to drive better results and stay ahead of the competition

Tools I used for Data Benchmarking:

To begin data benchmarking, start by setting up Google Analytics and Google Search Console for your website. These tools require you to add tracking codes or verify ownership to access the necessary data. Once set up, you can begin collecting data from your website and start the benchmarking process. Me as your best SEO Specialist, I can analyze various metrics such as website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Compare your data against industry benchmarks to gain insights into how your website is performing compared to others in your industry. I can look for trends, identify high-performing pages, and pinpoint areas that require optimization.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a valuable tool that helps website owners and webmasters monitor, analyze, and optimize their website's performance in Google search results. By utilizing its features and insights, you can improve your website's visibility, address technical issues, and enhance your overall SEO strategy to attract more organic traffic and achieve better search engine rankings.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an essential tool for website owners and marketers to monitor, analyze, and optimize website performance. By leveraging the insights provided by Google Analytics, you can make data-driven decisions to improve user experience, optimize marketing campaigns, and achieve your business goals.


Keyword Research - Services Philippines
Sample of my Keyword Research and Analysis - SEO

What is Keyword Research in SEO?

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing the search terms or phrases that people use when searching for information, products, or services on search engines. It is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) and plays a significant role in shaping a website’s content strategy.

Tools I used for Keyword Research and Analysis

As an experienced keyword research and analysis specialist. I use tools such as UberSuggest, SEMrush, and Ahrefs for valuable insights and effective SEO strategies. These tools below offer comprehensive features and data that enable me to identify relevant keywords, analyze search volumes, competition levels, and assess keyword difficulty.

Google ads | Keyplanner

Google Search Console is a valuable tool that helps website owners and webmasters monitor, analyze, and optimize their website's performance in Google search results. By utilizing its features and insights, you can improve your website's visibility, address technical issues, and enhance your overall SEO strategy to attract more organic traffic and achieve better search engine rankings.


Using UberSuggest, I conduct in-depth keyword research to discover high-potential keywords for my clients' websites. I explore related keywords, long-tail variations, and analyze search trends to identify untapped opportunities. This helps me develop a targeted keyword strategy that aligns with my clients' business objectives and target audience.


SEMrush is another powerful tool I utilize for keyword research and competitor analysis. With its extensive keyword database, I can uncover profitable keywords that competitors are ranking for. I analyze competitor rankings, organic search traffic, and identify gaps and opportunities for my clients' websites.


Ahrefs is a valuable tool for comprehensive keyword analysis and backlink research. I leverage Ahrefs' keyword explorer to identify keywords with high search volumes and low competition. I also use its content explorer feature to discover top-performing content in my clients' niche and gather insights for content creation and optimization.


Website Audit - SEO Philippines
Sample of my Website Audit - SEO

What is Website Audit in SEO?

Website audit in SEO helps identify areas of optimization, uncover potential issues, and guide the implementation of effective strategies to enhance a website’s performance and visibility in search engine results.

During a website audit, various elements are assessed, including on-page factors such as meta tags, keyword usage, content quality, and internal linking. Off-page factors like backlinks and online reputation are also considered. Technical aspects, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, crawlability, and indexability, are examined to ensure smooth user experience and search engine accessibility.

Tools I used for Website Audit

As your SEO Specialist I conduct comprehensive audits to evaluate and optimize website performance. I analyze various factors that impact SEO, including on-page elements, site architecture, backlinks, and technical aspects. By utilizing industry-leading tools and techniques, I identify areas for improvement, such as keyword optimization, meta tags, site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability. I provide detailed recommendations and prioritize action items to enhance website visibility, organic traffic, and user experience. I ensure that websites adhere to best practices, comply with search engine guidelines, and achieve optimal performance in the competitive online landscape. During website audit I rely on a range of powerful and effective tools to analyze and assess various aspects of the site such as:

  • Meta Inspector
  • Screaming Frog
  • Web Developer Tool 
  • Rich Result Test 
  • SSLshopper and more.

On-page Optimization - SEO SERVICES

On-Page SEO Services Philippines
Sample of my On-page SEO

What is On-Page Optimization in SEO?

On-page SEO refers to the practice of optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine visibility and ranking. It includes – Keyword Research ,Content, Meta Tags, URL Structure, Internal Linking, Technical SEO optimization.

Tools I used for On-page SEO

Various strategies and tools are employed by me, as an SEO specialist, to conduct effective on-page optimization. The process is initiated with a comprehensive analysis of the website’s current on-page elements. This includes the examination of the website’s content, meta tags, headings, URL structure, internal linking, and overall site architecture.

Keyword research is conducted by utilizing industry-leading tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools provide insights on search volume, competition, and relevant keywords for effective on-page optimization.

Overall, I conduct plagiarism checks to ensure the uniqueness of your content, delivering original and authentic materials.

Analytics and Reporting

SEO analytics is a crucial practice that involves monitoring website traffic and keyword rankings. By using Google Analytics and Search Console, SEO experts track metrics like keyword rankings, organic traffic, bounce rates, and conversions. These metrics provide valuable insights into the performance of a website and help inform SEO strategy and tactics.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the practice of optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine visibility and ranking. It includes - Keyword ,Content, Meta Tags, URL Structure, Internal Linking, Technical SEO optimization

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO enhances website authority, relevance, and visibility, playing a vital role in a comprehensive SEO strategy. It involves various techniques to enhance online reputation, increase organic traffic, and improve search engine rankings. Off-page SEO includes building high-quality backlinks, essential for improving website authority and visibility.


With all these SEO services rest assured – you can have peace of mind knowing that I strictly adhere to ethical practices and follow the latest industry standards in all my SEO methods. I stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of SEO, constantly adjusting my strategies to align with algorithm changes and stay ahead of industry trends. By doing so, I ensure that your website not only meets the requirements of search engines but also maintains a competitive advantage over your rivals. You can trust that my approach is always focused on delivering long-term, sustainable results for your online success.